Compiling this module requires the Xorg development headers. The easiest way to get them is to apt-get install xorg-dev xutils-dev. Do this on the target, then mount the target's SD on your PC. The PATH_TO_TARGET_ROOTFS variable in the Makefile must then be set to point at the mount point. Run make. Save the file in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input Calibration values are currently hardwired into ts-input.c Save the xorg.conf in /etc/X11/ (or edit your existing file) You can specify an integration count in the xorg.conf file, in the "InputDevice" section for the Touchscreen. For example: Option "IntegrationCount" "3" The range is from 0 to 31. If 0 (the default), no integration is done. Other values will calculate the cursor position based on the arithmetic mean of previous values read from the touch-screen controller, providing a smoother cursor, albeit with commensurate "sluggishness", especially at the higher values of IntegrationCount.